Saturday, March 30, 2019

Learn about Lions with Sean Kyle Perez Castillo of 4-Righteousness

🦁Let's Learn about Lions with Sean Kyle Perez Castillo🦁

Lions are LARGE WILD CATS. Adult male lions can reach about 9 feet (3 meters) from nose to tail. They may weigh up to 560 pounds (250 kilograms). Lions are called the "king of beasts" for their beauty.  They have fangs to eat. They also live in the jungle in the forest with the river. They also camouflage on the grass. They eat animals and insects that are small or large. Sometimes they roar at them for a battle to the other animals.
picture of baby lions

An adult male lion has a mane. The mane is made up of long, thick hair that covers the head and neck. The mane makes the male look even bigger and stronger. The female does not grow a mane. Females are known as lionesses.

Lions have become rare in many parts of Africa. People kill many lions, often to protect livestock. People also have killed many of the animals that lions need for food.

Lions are unusual among cats because they live in large groups. These groups are called prides. A pride has one or more adult males, several females, and their young. A pride may include up to 40 lions. The life of a lion is often quiet. Lions spend most of the day sleeping or resting.

Lionesses with cubs photo

Females have their first cubs when they are 3 or 4 years old. The cubs are born blind and helpless. They live on their mother's milk for the first six weeks. Then they begin eating meat. By the time they are about 2 years old, they can hunt for themselves.

Lions are fearsome hunters. 

Most lions live in Africa. They live mainly in savannas. Savannas are grasslands with scattered trees. A lion's fur is brownish-yellow, the same color as dry grass. This  helps coloration blend with its surroundings. Lions once lived throughout much of Asia and Europe. But only a small number of wild lions remain outside Africa, in India.

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